Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Watch ape launch water bottle at young girl after she tried to video him

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A zoo-goer was left stunned after a cheeky monkey thru a bottle at her as she tried to take a video of him along with her telephone.

Footage shows the chimpanzee in his enclosure at Nanning Zoo in China in a while sooner than the attack leaping up and down earlier than throwing the article.

the girl’s mother mentioned he were playing the zoo visit till the mineral water bottle thrown by the chimp led to an injury to her daughter’s eye.

the attention of the woman, whose age is unknown, is said to have gotten away with only a ‘minor’ injury after it began bleeding from the blow.

Nanning Zoo told native media they’re investigating the case and can’t comment before the file is completed.

The incident led to a heated debate amongst other chimp fans, with a few of them accusing the vacationers of driving the ape loopy with their behaviour.

But others expressed their fear approximately his behaviour as a danger to humans and asked for him to be locked up.

The shocking moment was caught on camera by the girl (Picture: AsiaWire)

The shocking moment was caught on digicam through the lady (Picture: AsiaWire)

Picture shows the woman's injury suffered at Nanning Zoo in Nanning, China, undated. She was hit with a bottle thrown by a chimpanzee. (882608193/AsiaWire)

The young woman was left with a cut above the eye (Picture: AsiaWire)

Picture shows the woman's phone screen that was damaged at Nanning Zoo in Nanning, China, undated. She was hit with a bottle by a chimpanzee. (882608193/AsiaWire)

Her telephone reveal was once smashed after getting a fright (Image: AsiaWire)

It comes just weeks after another incident with an ape in the similar zoo.

As a girl stood out of doors the safety fence, the tough ape hurled his mud bombs at her as she walked across the perimeter.

Thankfully he overlooked but – as pictures shows – he did seem to capture every other luckless spectator who did not duck in time.

the girl – named Ms Tan in local media – mentioned the ape looked as if it would practice her across the enclosure regardless of the place she went.

In The End, believing she was once protected in the back of the wall, she began filming a selfie with the excitable ape in the history.

However she had to hide underneath the wall and almost were given hit again while he saved trying to hit her.

it is doubtful whether those two incidents were as a result of the same ape.

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