The warfare between Russia and Ukraine has been happening considering that February… The President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, stated that he visited the Donetsk front, the place the new conflicts proceed in Ukraine, in his video submit on Telegram. Stating that he met with the warriors within the town of Slavyansk, Zelensky reminded that as of late is the Ukrainian Militia Day and mentioned, “Traditionally, these days I meet with our warring parties at the front lines.”. Zelensky mentioned that the Ukrainian infantrymen have been combating in opposition to the Russian army for greater than NINE months beneath difficult stipulations and that the army will struggle until all the lands of the rustic are liberated. Noting that he is grateful to all the soldiers protecting his usa, Zelensky mentioned, “The battlefield has increased, the battle is heavier, the cost is higher, but it is continuous, like metal. “there is something that is still: your braveness, your stamina and your will. Due To This Fact, our freedom, your insubordination, and therefore our independence.”