Human Rights and Freedoms (IHH) Humanitarian Relief Foundation keeps to be a desire for the oppressed and victims with its everlasting works, to boot as its humanitarian support works all over the sector. in this context, IHH; Sibel Erkan, Freetown Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, Mohammed Hassan Kai-Samba, Sierra Leone Ambassador to Ankara, opened FOUR permanent works in Sierra Leone with the participation of native authorities, the people of the region and the volunteer team from Turkey. 2 mosques and 1 theology faculty, which make up THREE of the everlasting works, are in more than a few portions of the capital Freetown; the other orphanage mission used to be in-built Moyamba District. To the buildings positioned into carrier; Hz. Isa Mosque and Islamic Cultural Center, Rahman Mosque, Hacı Dervişoğulları Theology College and Prayer and Infaq Brotherhood Orphan Training Complicated had been named. The IHH crew additionally visited local orphanages the place they refurbished, renovated and met their seasonal food wishes and met with orphans. in order to realize these types of openings, the team made lengthy and hard trips within the united states.These FOUR different openings are the fruit of this.” stated. İsmail Yılmaz said: “As IHH, in the usa; we now have quite a lot of activities to fulfill the desires of orphans, education, water and common needs. Our guests from Turkey came for the opening of our everlasting work projects, which now we have excited by in recent years. in conjunction with them, we made FOUR other openings. As IHH, we are trying to produce initiatives related to the general issues of the society. As Turkey’s “brotherly hand”, we proceed our activities here. we’d like to thank our donors and volunteers who didn’t leave us by myself. God bless you.” 
Republic of Turkey Freetown Ambassador Sibel Erkan reminded that Sierra Leone is a number of the ten least advanced international locations in the arena and every aid equipped by way of the global neighborhood is like drugs to the rustic. the root, which has won a status, has made a great have an effect on with its services in Sierra Leone in the closing period.” mentioned.Assistance was once provided to five orphanages. While the folks of the country see these kind of, they show great love and fear in opposition to our us of a. Any assist here is an enormous favor. For this reason why, the contributions of all our NGOs in Africa and in Sierra Leone are indubitably of great value.”
After the outlet ceremonies, the IHH crew visited the houses of the disabled within the usa and received data and again house after this system.

Republic of Turkey Freetown Ambassador Sibel Erkan reminded that Sierra Leone is a number of the ten least advanced international locations in the arena and every aid equipped by way of the global neighborhood is like drugs to the rustic. the root, which has won a status, has made a great have an effect on with its services in Sierra Leone in the closing period.” mentioned.Assistance was once provided to five orphanages. While the folks of the country see these kind of, they show great love and fear in opposition to our us of a. Any assist here is an enormous favor. For this reason why, the contributions of all our NGOs in Africa and in Sierra Leone are indubitably of great value.”

After the outlet ceremonies, the IHH crew visited the houses of the disabled within the usa and received data and again house after this system.