A Few fascist teams held a commemoration ceremony in Madrid, the capital of Spain, at the instance of the death of dictator Francisco Franco on November 20. The Spanish executive announced that an research has been introduced against those who attended the development, where pro-Franco slogans have been shouted, fascist salutes got and emblems and flags glorifying the dictatorship have been used. The Spanish Catholic Movement is among the organizers of the development in Madrid, which was once attended through about ONE HUNDRED people. The dictator Franco technology (1936-1975) was once declared “illegal” according with the Democratic Memory Regulation, which got here into pressure in October, whilst fines of up to 150 thousand euros are imposed at the dictatorship and all movements that glorify it.
in line with AA’s news; Till the legislation in question in Spain, no felony sanction used to be applied to glorify the dictator Franco length.